Windows 8 Preview

I just installed Windows 8 (the Preview). I used Virtual Box. That thing from Oracle isn’t bad at all for what I need. Looks like it is faster than Fusion.

Back to Windows. First impression? A bit of a toy. Second impression? Still a toy. But I am glad the Start button is gone. At least Microsoft thought about a new concept for once.

I tried to use mail, but it want’s an Exchange server. I just couldn’t find a possibility to connect to an IMAP server somewhere, which means, after 10 seconds of fruitless search, I gave up. Yes I know, that this is lousy, but if you come up with a new concept, it should be easy to learn. Now I have to watch how-to-videos. How boring.

I should dive deeper into it for a comparison with OSX but the first impression does not give me any motivation to do it and since it isn’t vital for me, it will probably sleep in a virtual machine folder for a long time.

… but that Virtual Box … have to look at it closer.