SNOUG-SR has it’s own community now.

Our small but actually pretty active Notes User Group for the french speaking part of Switzerland, has it’s own community now in the IBM universe.
Nice gesture from IBM and even Ed Brill is following us … somehow … somewhere. Certainly because he does not want to miss another opportunity like last time, when he went to the SNOUG in Zürich and had to eat IBM catering food and we had an event at Givaudan, the company with arguably the best canteen in the world.
Took a while, but now it’s here. I hope, that this will help to get members to work more closely together.


BTW: Has somebody an idea, how I can use the iPad Connections App for more then one Connections Server?


I completely forgot to tell you …

… that I am not always devils advocate, as Ed called me.
Here is my article that was published in November in the publication of the Swiss Small Business Association.
… and a quick search on Google reveals, that I am probably the only one, who ever wrote in a Swiss printed publication about the XWork server.

Das geheimnisumwitterte Projekt: IBM XWork Server

X-FILES – SIE SIND UNTER UNS! Im Oktober stellte IBM den XWork Server vor. Meiner  Meinung nach eine ideale Plattform für KMU, um die eigene, vielleicht nicht sonderlich homogene Umgebung, für Mobilgeräte und Internetbrowser fit zu machen. Der XWork Server enthält vom Start weg alles, um webbasiert Business-Logik diversen Endgeräten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Webserver, Datenbank und Userverwaltung sind integriert und wer zufällig IBM Notes nutzt, kann lokal replizieren. Ein nicht zu unterschätzender Vorteil für Mac und PC Benutzer, die nicht immer online sein können oder wollen.
IBM hat es verstanden, aus vorhandenen und neuen Technologien einen Webserver zu kreieren, der offene Webstandards, Entwicklungsumgebung und Lizenzmodell zu einer Plattform vereint, die den Einstieg in die mobile, bzw. browserbasierte Welt erleichtert.
Der Clou am XWork Server ist die Fähigkeit, wie eine Spinne im Netz zu sitzen und verschiedene bestehende Datenquellen, z.B. SQL, Filesystem usw. zu Web-Anwendungen zu verbinden. Das eröffnet Möglichkeiten beispielsweise für Reportgeneratoren und individuelle CRM Systeme. XWork Server braucht nur eine Hardware und kostet genau einen festen Betrag pro Jahr. Keine CALs, POV oder sonstige Gemeinheiten die Preisberechnungen zum Projekt ausarten lassen. Das es das noch gibt?
Mit kostenlosen Erweiterungsbibliotheken und auch Code-Beispielen die man sich aus dem Internet holt, ist der Fantasie für auf den Nutzer zugeschnittene Business Applikationen kaum Grenzen gesetzt (Sie wollten sicher schon mal ein Business-Cockpit)! Das ausgefeilte Berechtigungssystem funktioniert bis hinunter auf Feldebene und ist relativ einfach verständlich. Anbindung an die gängisten Benutzerverwaltungen ist selbstredend integriert.
Der XWork Server nutzt  zwar offene Standards wie beispielsweise Java Server Faces, doch es reichen normale Webentwickler-Kenntnisse, HTML, XML und JavaSkript. Als Einstieg kann man sich schon mit Drag&Drop ausgefeilte “Webapps” (denglisch für Internet Anwendung, aber man muss dem Zeitgeist hinterher hecheln) zusammenklicken. IBMs “XPages” machen es möglich.
Mit XWork Server wird insbesondere individuelle oder schon erhältliche Standardsoftware erschwinglicher.


See Ed? I am acctually trying to help you selling it (and I am still waiting for that invitation for that feast).


Blog Spam – What the heck is the sense in this …

I always had spam on the blog once in a while, but last week it started to get interesting. Suddenly there were a lot of similar posts that looked like that:



Eingereicht am 13.11.2011 um 17:24

78xDYL , [url=]lvzyesjptoct[/url], [link=]zcfoemxuzred[/link],


What the heck is that? All is completely random. There is nothing behind the links. It’s just bla bla.

The Email I get, isn’t a lot more informative. Except for the ISP.


Autor  : bzjvam (IP: ,
E-Mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
NNewIA , [url=]cvlbbyvgvlvk[/url], [link=]szbebnqznvym[/link],


 Sometime it comes from an Amazon E2 server. Once I even got an IBM server.
What is the purpose of completely nonsense? Annoy me? Ah bugger, sorry, can’t help you there. I get so much advertisement emails per day, it doesn’t bother me anymore. Sometimes I even read a headline from an IBM Partnerworld mail. Happens. I feel, that this is rather interesting. How do they get past the captcha? Did somebody build a robot that can read the captcha? Or is somebody out there filling my blog with BS by hand? Oh, boy. They must be desperate. OK, Sunday afternoon, 3PM is the worst time in the whole week, but you must feel extremely down to build spam by hand, even at the long dark tea time of the soul.

A message to the spammer:
Hey guys. Get a live.
But this time I let you have it. Let’s see how much spam you can put in my blog, let’s say within 3 days. I promise, that everybody can read it. Ok, I will edit a bit, cut the links, make remarks. But this is your chance to fill a blog with Spam. Go for it.


iOS 5.0.1 – I am not the only one, who has problems understanding you guys form down under

I love that. The last point on the iOS 5.0.1 update is:

  • Improves voice recognition for Australian users using dictation

Siri must have a hard time with the OZ slang.
Hey Siri, look here: Australian slang dictionary

With a bit of help from Siri, the rest of the world could actually understand what they are saying.

PS: Due to a lot of Spam lately, I had to turn on the admin check for comments. I am not going to get up during the night for that 😉

Fun with Vowes visitor localization tool …

I admit, I don’t know, how it works.
Today I looked at Vowes visitor localization tool and zoomed in, to find myself.

First: Volker, it seems, you don’t have a lot of readers in Switzerland and I probably know all of them (yes, I know, depends …)

Second: I am not on the map. But, since any other tool normally sees me in Lausanne (almost 100 km from where I live), I had a look a the single red dot down there.

What lies under this cow pasture? The secret servers of Swisscom from the cold war? Or is it highly advanced organic server technology?
Or is the google localization just a lot of … c… poo poo? I checked a few other dots in Switzerland. Many of them were in the middle of nowwhere.
PS: Same thing on the iPad without G3. It just does not get my address right.
(And for the pilots under us: here you have to ultimate prove that cows do no stand around with their backside towards the wind. Neither do moose bears or reindeer)
Update: WordPress made my life difficult. I couldn’t see the tiff images first, only in the blog itself.

Do you know Lotus Live Notes?

Let’s ask the experts.
Yesterday I got a phone call from an old customer I haven’t heard of in years. He is going to retire, sold his company and wants to take his contacts or probably the whole CRM with him AND he wants to use his iPhone for mail and calendar. Now he asks me, how to do it.
He is still using Notes/Domino 7 (the darn did run without me all those years).
His CRM is pure Notes (written by me)
He is no fan of the „cloud“.
My first thought was to give him a small Domino Server with Traveler, something like Collax Office Entry. The Advantage is, that it is extremely silent. Backup, Postfix and all that stuff is included and it does not cost a fortune, but Domino would not be supported.
I am not sure, that it can manage the load with Domino and Traveller and for one or two persons running their own server is a bit overdoing it. And he should use a fixed IP, which costs, too. I am no fan of DynDNS anymore since mail servers tend to get blocked after a while.

My second thought was LotusLive Notes. I don’t know, if it is available in Switzerland, but does anybody out there have any experience with it?
It would have the advantage to be much less expensive, I suppose you can have your own mail domain and he could still run his CRM localy.

Any opinions or other suggestions?

Vulcan, iPad, Smartphone, Nav … Live is silly sometimes

I just read Peter Presnells post about Vulcan. If it is really just another „Plugin“ (or Extension or what ever they may call it) I am happy. I personally really struggle with all the different social tools and I am not using many of them. There was a time, when I just used the Notes client with Sametime and RSS. Somehow, I was happier then. It made it much easier to follow all the stuff I was interested in, but it was far from perfect, but it worked. Today I use Google+, Skype, Messages (since today), Notes, Apple Mail, Gmail, Gdocs … and whatever else comes up. Nothing integrates really. I could live with one client again (but it should work on the iPad, too. I tried IMAP with Notes on the iPad, that’s not very nice. It made a mess with messages already read or deleted).
I totaly agree with Peter, that this Vulcan thing should be made available for a wider audience. Make it cheap, not free, but cheap. Let it plug in to anything, like Exchange, Sharepoint, Connections, Skype, Domino, Google+ and what not. Let me tag stuff. Let me use tags from other people, too. Let me tag and make it available for others at the same time. Let me tag it and make it available to other applications at the same time (I suppose, that would be extremely easy with XPages technology). Tags could replace folders, all you need is a tag cloud, that looks like a folder tree. Something like that is the WOW thing I am expecting from IBM and if it works like that, the traditional Notes client will survive, but there will be a new client that plugs into it and Ed would be right in saying, that he has no intention to rename Domino and Notes and I would be right, because I said IBM needs a new product. That would be the rising star IBM needs in this market. If it works, Outlook will look pretty old.

Last week in Germany. I asked somebody about the fastest way to the Highway … and the guy looked at me, as if I was from another planet. No, I don’t have a nav-thingy. I still use maps. Why? I like them. I like to find my way on paper and have the map in my head. Knowing where I am is extremely important to me. Looking at a navigation screen makes me nuts. Voices that tell me, where to go, drive me crazy. Yes, I admit, sometimes it helps, but many people are completely lost, without the darn things. I know people who take longer to program their navi gadget, than it actually takes to get there and they still get lost. Me too, but that does not bother me. Now the funny thing is, when flying, I love the GPS navigation equipement, because it gives you MORE situational awareness, not less, like in the car and it does not have a voice (except more advanced ones, who yell at you, because they want to protect themselves from being the first at the crash site).

I think I need professional help. My desire to buy a smart phone is fading away. Since I bought the iPad, I don’t need a phone that does the same, but on a smaller screen and with all the interconnection with my Apple stuff at home, It would be silly to buy anything else, then an iPhone (I think, but I am not an expert here). I don’t believe in having to answer every email immediately. Imagine, if somebody needs help this second, would he write an email? No, he would call. Therefore, if somebody writes me an email, he can wait until I have time to look at it on a larger screen. The same goes for social tools. Would you post a message on Facebook saying your car broke down, please pick me up at the next train station. No way. But it looks like, there are not many people that share my opinion. Is there somebody out there who can point me to a pro, that sets my values right?
Today I should like Outlook, smartphones and Garmin or TomTom. Looks like I am completely off track.

Learning XPages … Struggeling with ressources

After a weekend of grape harvest, I should be in a better mood, but my father in law gave the grapes away to somebody … for free. We don’t even get to taste the wine. And it is especially annoying, because this year it took us ages. Wasps had damaged the grapes and we had to cut of everything dry. It was hell, but it gave me time to reflect, what I had achieved with XPages in two weeks.

First there was me whining about not knowing where to start. Then there was the avalanche of information that buried me. Where am I now?

I tried the redbook wiki. I read most of the first part, which was interesting and gave me basic information. Then I watched the first two hours of David Leeds stuff. That helped me a to go on, because the Redbook wiki is outdated. Next, I did the free TLCC course. Accidentally, there was a webcast about it at the same time, which helped me to go on. Then I bought the bible of Xpages development, „Mastering Xpages …“ and I started reading it. Now, if you are a hardcore developer, who thinks the only way to write code is in a simple text editor, you will like this. I for the matter, don’t see the sense in making my live harder as necessary, because in the end, we will all use every tool we can get to finish the work as fast and good as possible. And no, I don’t believe that learning a programming language is the same as learning any other language. That’s why I gave up learning XPages with „The bible“ on chapter 5. It will certainly help me later on as a reference, but reading XML all along, does not motivate me to continue. There is no doubt about the quality of the book, but often it just goes beyond the scope a beginner can handle (that’s why it is called „Mastering…“?). Now I am using the IBM course material, that was made available to me and I am happy. Really! Even though it looks like it was made for 8.5.1 and Windoof XP, it works for me. It takes a bit time, but I learned a lot in a short time. I am half way through it still makes fun.


Learning XPages … and getting back from the dead

One week passed since I started whining about the resources out there for learning XPages. Boy, that stirred something up. I got lots and lots of help and even IBM woke up.
Sonia Malik send me the whole course D8L55G. Everything! I could even set up the whole course room, servers, everything (except the software). And before you ask, I can not share it with you. For my eyes only. Every page has a water mark with my name. I feel bit flattered. How did that happen?

What is the plan?
I have watched a few videos on Since David Leedy’s experience is similar to mine, I get along with his explanations quite well.

Next I am going to finish the free TLCC course, which is a very good start and then I am will do the D8L55G course or I just follow „The book“ which was so often recommended – Kindle Edition.

Right now, I can not recommend the easiest way to learn XPages by yourself. I would prefer a classroom course. I don’t like videos too much, but I go with it, if necessary.

I would not use the Redbook. It is too far behind by now. The example I tried, does not work anymore.

I will start this week to build my first XPage application. Let’s see how that works.